
This year the Cicadas were deafening in the garden but after using the Cicadas Wand a few times they were definitely silenced to the point where we now have very little as they migrated to other places outside of the garden, I haven’t had a fly or bird problem since using the Wand too, so I love the Wand.

Mr. Phil Elcock

Trainer for the Chania Rugby Club Crete.

I have been using the Cicadas Wand for two purposes.

The first is Obviously for Cicadas. I point in the direction of the olive tree or citrus trees for approximately 40-50 seconds and they then become quiet for about two hours.

I mostly use the Wand for flies in the house. I open my front door and wave my Wand in the kitchen, dining and living areas, then out the front door too, this gives me a household free of flies again for 2 hours. I also take my Wand outdoors when eating at Tavernas for flies.

I absolutely love my Cicadas Wand. Great value.

Judith Joannides


Hi Guys, The Cicadas are totally mental this year in Crete O.M. Goodness at long last something to stop the squawking. Look, peeps, take a few moments on each area with the Cicadas Wand, yes it does make them quieten down and then stop.

Bliss and silence. yeah at long last!!!

Mr Raymond Shooter

Swimming Pool Maintenance

Thank you for the Wand. I found it works better if the sun is not too strong. They fly away after a few seconds and they don’t come back as if they recorded the location

Monica Taichidrops

Tia Chi instructor

The Wand is amazing, yes we had a couple of Moths fluttering annoyingly around the light in the kitchen.

I pointed the Cicadas Wand at the Moths and gently waved it around and the Moths settled on the light. When I stopped moving the Wand around they immediately started fluttering around the light again.

There was a definite effect as the Moths flew off and didn’t return. Great Wand.

Mr Andrew Tarr

Professional Musician

I bought the wand in November when the common house fly was in abundance. Pointing the wand directly at the fly, although it did not startle them, after a few seconds, they flew off and didn’t return for several hours.

Perfect when we had friends for Boxing Day lunch. The wand also works with wasps. We are inundated with both the common wasp and the Paper Wasp (with the long dangly legs). The Cicada Wand will deter the Paper Wasp when looking for a nesting site, normally in July and August. Again, the wasps are not startled but tend to fly off and not return.

The common wasp that patrols along the ground see it as a threat and attack as they are a more aggressive species. However, there is still an element of deterrence to return once the wand is turned off. Having worked in Aviation I fully understand the danger of bird strikes on all types of fixed and rotary wing aircraft ( You only need to watch the film “Sully” to understand the dangers ).

I pointed the wand at two approaching pigeons roughly 200 metres away and both birds immediately took evasive action to escape the beam. I’ve repeated the experiment and have had the same response.

I can see a real positive application for the aviation industry as bird strikes are normally with birds heading directly towards the aircraft engines and intakes. As for Cicadas, it does what it says on the tin! This piece of technology does no harm to insects or birds but merely deters them. Perfect.

Mr. Pete Collins

Aviation & Management Consultant (retired)